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Insulation-Continuity Tester CL-3131DLs
Rating Voltage(V): 250V /500V /1000V
Output Voltage(V): Rating Voltage㊣10%
Scale: 0-100M次 /0-200M次 /0-400M次
Main Scale: 0.1-10M次 /0.2-20M次 /0.4-40M次
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Insulation Resistance Tester CL-30-1/CL-30-2
The newly style of Digital Insulation Resistance Tester is 30 series, including CL-30-1, CL-30-2.
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Pen R/C Meter for SMD CL-503
Surface mount devices are usually tiny and without wire leads, making it much more difficult to test and identify SMD than conventional components.
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LCR Meter CL-33LCR
This digital LCR meter is 3 1/2 digital special meter with the LCD display. The small size and light weight have made it a truly portable instrument.
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Digital LC Meter DMM-6243
This digital LC meter is 3 1/2 digital special meter with LCD display. It can perform precise capacitance and inductance testing. The small size and light weight have made it a truly portable instrument.
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