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﹛﹛Pen R/C Meter for SMD CL-503

﹛﹛Surface mount devices are usually tiny and without wire leads, making it much more difficult to test and identify SMD than conventional components.
﹛﹛The CL-503 gives users an easy way to sort and evaluate loose components and to perform on-board measurements and debugging. Precise tips made of non-magnetic steel are able to pick and reliably contact even smallest SMD components, or take measurements from the devices already mounted on a board. The probe can also be used to test conventional components with wire leads too short to insert into the test terminals.


Model: CL-503
400次/4k次/40k次/400k次/4M次 ㊣(1.2%+2)
40M次 ㊣(2.0%+5)
4nF ㊣(5.0%+5)
40nF/400nF /4米F/40米F/100米F ㊣(3.0%+3)
Diode Test
Auto power off
Low battery indication

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